Home Water Filtration

Chlorine, Cancer, and Heart Disease

Many municipalities add chlorine to their water to kill viruses and bacteria that could make us sick if we ingested them. People started adding chlorine to water in the 1800s, when they realized it had disinfectant properties. During that time, when water was left untreated, it was common for people to contract waterborne diseases such

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United States Government Complicit In 50 Year Cover Up!

I have been wanting to tell this story and share this information for some time now.  Truth is that the more I researched and attempted to organize my thoughts and format all of this unbelievable and unthinkable information I became overwhelmed.  I was able to find everything that I wanted to say on the www.ewg.org website.   EWG is a

United States Government Complicit In 50 Year Cover Up! Read More »

Do I Need A Water Softener and How Much Should It Cost?

Many water treatment companies will tell you that the  average cost of a water softener is around $3000 for a base model, and $8,000 or more for larger more advanced models.   This is complete nonsense!!  Many water treatment companies will also push water softeners on customers claiming that an expensive water softener will solve

Do I Need A Water Softener and How Much Should It Cost? Read More »

Bottled Water is Part of the Problem- Not the Solution

Government standards for bottled water are actually less strict than for tap water. These federal regulations only require bottled water companies to test for a few of the hundreds of known chemical contaminants that may possible be in the water. Bottled water is also far more expensive and much less convenient. It is a lot

Bottled Water is Part of the Problem- Not the Solution Read More »